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NSF Small Business Innovation Research/ Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I (SBIR/STTR Phase I)

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase II (SBIR/STTR Phase II)

NSF 24-582: NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Fast-Track Pilot Programs (SBIR-STTR Fast-Track)

Guidance on Phase I and Phase II proposal submission timing:

  • Project Pitch invitations issued between May 16, 2023 and September 18, 2023 will now have until September 18, 2024 to submit a full Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal.
  • Project Pitch invitations issued between September 19, 2023 and June 21, 2024 will have the stated one year window to submit their full Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal.
  • Project Pitch invitations are temporarily paused while we make updates that are needed to reflect the change in the invitation period (from one year to two submission deadlines.) In the coming days, new Project Pitch invitations will begin to be issued with an expiration date for full Phase I proposal submission that falls on the last day of the NEXT submission deadline as announced in the Phase I solicitation (e.g. a Project Pitch invited to submit a full proposal on July 2 will be required to submit a full proposal by November 6, 2024).
  • In all cases, NSF will honor the stated Phase I submission expiration date listed in the invitation email sent to the Project Pitch submitter.
  • Phase I awardees whose Phase I award started between March 5, 2022 and July 17, 2022 will now have until July 17, 2024 to submit their Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal.
  • Phase I awardees whose Phase I award started on July 18, 2022 or later will still have the normal 24-month-from-award deadline to submit their Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal.